Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chocolate Submarine

See that tiny tip of land? We went there! 
Pretty much as far south as you can go..
 We took boat rides through the most pristine nature
I had ever seen
 Where we saw penguins!
 And seals!
 And had a variety of Titanic moments
 Where we felt like we were flying over the water
 Caveat: It gets really cold down by the Arctic Circle. 
Especially when you have hour long Titanic moments.
 Thank goodness Argentina has something called
a Chocolate Submarine to warm you up.
Submarine-shaped chocolate + steamed milk

In each mouthful, the warm lush taste of pure milk 
with little bursts of chocolate bits.

 Chocolate Submarine

1. Warm 1 cup milk until it nearly boils
2. Insert large bar of chocolate 
3. Stir as it melts, drink, enjoy!